Chadash Kennels now offers three distinct breeds, all of which are registered with Dogs Australia

Select your preferred breed and join our waitlist by tapping the puppy application below.

Our breeding program is focused on improving the bloodline holistically with focus on genetic selection, nutrition, lifestyle behaviour and biosensor training to strengthen their immunity, and increases their lifetime expectancy.

We implement the MISTY METHOD to toilet train our puppies from as early as 3 weeks of age. This ensures that when the puppy joins its new owners, the ingrained habit of using a designated toilet area facilitates a seamless transition.

All of our breeding dogs have had their full DNA profiling, cardiac examination (heart) and eye check to clear all health issues. Our puppies and older dogs are current with their vaccinations, and are microchipped.

These measures are done so that each litter we deliver has the best start in life—ensuring optimal heath before they leave the house of CHADASH.

Each comes complete with their Dogs Australian pedigree certificate and a welcome bag of essentials to ensure a seamless transition into their forever homes.

contact us on:    0411742414